Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

sidang skripsi

Tanggal 20 agustus gw akan sidang rasa nya deg-degan banged.
persiapan nya juga blm disediain dari foto sampe soft cover dll,,,   tapi klo doa dari orang tua si udah...yang penting itu kan ya...
cerita selngkap nya ya nanti selesai sidang aja ya....
buat sekarang ya cuma itu aja...
ohh iya hari ini rencana nya c mw ke kampus buat softcover dan  cetak foto juga soal nya dari kemaren bawaannya males buat keluar rumah....

pas banged masa sidang skripsi sama kaya tanggal lahir gw.....
pengen dehh nanti sidang ada yang nemenin maksud nya orang deket gituu...
tapi blm punya gimana dongg....
masalah nya udah buat stat pacarannya nanti klo udah lulus kuliah S1 .....
sebelumny si udah ada yang ilang ada yang suka sama gw...tapi ya itu blm siap buat pacaran si juga suka sma sia nya......
maaf ya klo tulisannya agak berantakan , ini cuma curhatan gw aja ko....
makasih ya udah baca curhataan gw ini....itu juga klo ada yang baca..wkwkwkwk


Jumat, 15 Juli 2011


Acara perpisahan 4ea11
 jurusan manajemen fakultas ekonomi Universitas gunadarma
sukabumi – jawa barat

Kepada Yth:
Orang tua mahasiswa/mahasiswi

Assalamualaikium Wr/Wb
Sehubungan dengan berakhirnya kegiatan perkuliahan angkatan 2007 jurusan Manajemen , maka kami selaku panitia pelaksana kegiatan perpisahaan kelas  4ea11 ingin mengadakan perpisahan kelas, yang diadakan pada :

Tempat            :  Komplek Villa Cimelati, Sukabumi – Jawa Barat
-          Pelabuhan Ratu
Hari / tgl          : Rabu – Jum’at / 20-22 juli 2011
Biaya               :  Rp 150.000,-

            Kami selaku panitia, meminta izin kepada orang tua dari mahasiswa/i agar mengizinkan putra/putrinya untuk ikut serta dan berpartisipasi dalam acara perpisahaan ini. Mengingat acara yang diadakan untuk menjalin silahturahmi karena akan berakhirnya kegiatan perkulihaan yang telah berjalan selama ini.
Sekian pemberitauan surat permohonan dari kami selaku panitia, atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

                                                                                                            Bekasi, 15 juli 2011

                                                                                                            ( Bayu Prasetio )
                                                                                                         Ketua Penyelenggara

Rabu, 27 April 2011


Tom Atkinson COMANY Inc.
14 Edith Street,
Hackney West, 80456
April 12, 2011
Better Widget Makers, Inc.
1234 Widget Avenue
Silver City, CO 80456
Attention: Sales Department
I’d like to order the Widgets listed in the table below. The reference numbers are from
your 2003 catalogue. Please include a new catalogue with my order.

Quantity Ref.# Description Price Total
200 AB045 Tiny Blue Widget $2.38 $476.00
50 XT111 Deluxe Yellow Widget $4.56 $228.00
50 NT066 Super Deluxe Red Widget $6.15 $307.50

Total $1.011.50

I would like this order to ship COD complete. If you cannot ship the complete order
within 10 days, please notify me immediately. I can be reached at (303) 954-0202 #35
Your Sincerely

General Manager

Kamis, 21 April 2011


Rode Runner Industries
666 Second Street, Ewan City, AZ

March 2, 2011

Thomas Anderson
Computer Inc.
14 Edith Street,
Hackney West,

Dear Thomas Anderson,

Please accept this purchase order for the following:

QUANTITY    PRODUCT                      UNIT PRICE                                TOTAL

2            Alienware Printer                              $2,300.00                      $4,600.00
1            High-res Computer                           $1,200.00                      $1,200.00


We require shipment by June 22, 2011 to:

Rode Runner Industries
6666 Second Street
Ewan City, AZ

Please refer to this order as “purchase order #666-0555-066”. If this order cannot be processed as requested, please contact me at 666-6666 at your earliest convenience.



Minggu, 20 Maret 2011


March 19, 2010

To: Jaya Maju Company
234 South Company Street
Jakarta, IL 60000

From: MusliHun
123 South West Main Street
Bekasi, IL 60000

Attn: Customer Service
RE: PO#445392749; AAA Lawn Mower Model #A456

Dear Customer Service Manager;

In the last 10 years, I have used your law care products on many occasions and I have been highly satisfied with the results. However, I recently purchased a lawn mower from your company and I have been dissatisfied with the product.

First of all, when I unpacked the product and begin assembly, I found that I was missing the plastic mower guard and cap cover, which reluctantly took 12 weeks to get delivered. Secondly, I noticed after the second use that the lawn was cutting in an irregular manner. Upon further inspection I noticed that the mower blade was rotating at an angle.

I went to local store #567 where it was purchased and they chuckled as I explained my dissatisfaction with the product. They were rude and unhelpful, claiming that I must have hit something in my lawn.

When I took the blade off, I noticed that the mower was not put together properly and a welded edge on the coupler had split open. This was not due to operation or misuse. I verified this with a local lawn mower service company.

Since your company claims to be the “Leader in Customer Satisfaction” with a no hassle 1 year guarantee on all products, I would like to request that your store look into this matter and provide a refund.

A copy of the receipt and photograph of the damaged part is attached. Please respond promptly. I can be reached at 08993555765 or by email at



Minggu, 27 Februari 2011



            Used tehe indicate a habitual action and general statement.
Rule :
(+) S + V1 ( S/ES ) + O
(-) S + do/does + V1
(?) Do/does +  S + V1
Example : 
1.      (+) Mr.hadi teach english
(-) Mr. Hadi does not teach English
(?) does Mr. Hadi teach English
2.      (+) she goes to Jakarta every Saturday
(-) she does goes to Jakarta every saturdy
(?) does she goes to Jakarta every saturday
3.      (+) Dika and aris are at your house everyday
(-) dika and aris do are at your house everyday
(?) do dika and andi are at your house everyday
4.      (+) I go to school everyday
(-) I do to school everyday
(?)do I goto school everyday
5.      (+) they go the tretes every holiday
(-) they do go the tretes every holiday
(?) do they go the tretes every holiday

Used to indicate a completed action that happened at one.
Rule : 
(+) S + V2 (d/ed) + O
(-) S+ did not/didn't+Verb.1
(?) Did + S+ Verb.1
Example :
1.      (+) I studied english lash night
(-) I did not English last night
(?) did you study English last nigh ?
2.      (+) You bought a book yesterday
(-) You did not buy a book yesterday
(?) did you buy a book
3.      (+)They went to malang last week
(-) they did not go to malang last week
(?) did they go to malang
4.      (+) they played football yesterday
(-) they did not play football yesterday
(?) did they play football yesterday
5.      (+) they waited for me
(-) they didn't wait for me
(?) did they wait for me

Used to indicate an action  that happening at the present time.
Rule :
(+) S + to be (is,am,are) +Verb + ing

(-) S +to be + not + verb + ing

(?) To be + S + Verb + ing
Example :
1.      (+) They are studying English now
(-)  They are not studying English now
(?) Are they studying English now
2.      (+) Mus is at school now
(-) mus is not at school now
(?)  is mus at school now
3.      (+ )She is going to Jakarta now
(-) she is not going to Jakarta now
(?) is she going to Jakarta now
4.      (+) I am reading a magazine
(-) I am not reading a megazine
(?) amI reading a magazine now
5.      (+) they are watching tv
(-) they are not watching tv
(?) are they watching tv

Used to indicate an action which was accurung in the past and was interrupted by another action, whent used to indicate to action occurring at tha sometimeinthe past-while.
Rule :
(+) S +WAS/WERE + Verb + Ing
(-) S + WAS/WERE + Not + Verb + Ing
(?) WAS/WERE + S + Verb + Ing
Example :  
1.      (+) I was speaking all time last Sunday
(-) I wasn’t speaking all time last Sunday
(?) was I speaking all time last sunday
2.      (+) I was reading a newspaper yesterday
(-) I wasn’t reading a newspaper yesterday
(?) was I reading a newspaper yesterday
3.      (+) Lina was buying a good book last week.
(-) lina wasn’t buying a good book last week
(?) was lina buying a good book last week
4.      (+) wati was drinking a glass of milk when you called me
(-) wati wasn't drinking a glass of milk when you called me
(?) was wati drinking a glass of milk when you called me
5.       (+) you were playing when the accident happened
(-) you weren't playing when the accident happened
(?) were you playing when the accident happened